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Athlete's Foot Home Remedies - Get Rid of Athlete's FootAthlete's Foot is a common fungal infection caused by Tinea pedis and other Tinea species. The fungus lives on dead skin, hair and toenails and thrives in warm, moist environments. Athlete's foot usually affects the spaces between your toes, but it can spread to your toenails and the soles and sides of your feet. Often, athlete's foot responds well to over-the-counter (nonprescription) treatments you can apply to your skin. The fungus can be spread from person to person by contact with these objects. However, without proper growing conditions (a warm, moist environment), the fungus will not infect the skin. But just having the fungus on your feet isn't enough to cause the infection. The infection happens if conditions are right for the fungus to grow. It's important to learn some of the signs and symptoms of these infections so that you can get the proper treatment for your child. Many of these infections can be treated with over-the-counter medication, but some of them may require treatment from your child's doctor. This annoying ailment occurs in boys and girls, men and women of all ages. It commonly affiicts Dhobis and other people who do not pay appropriate care to foot hygiene or spend long hours with feet immersed in dirty water. Virtually unheard of in ancient Greece and Rome, when people went barefoot or wore sandals, athlete's foot is a byproduct of a society that keeps its feet enclosed in shoes most of the time. In chronic athlete's foot, the skin of the sides and sole of the foot is pink and scaly and there is no itchiness. The fungus lives off dead skin cells and thrives in warm, damp environments, such as the floors around gym locker rooms and indoor swimming pools. Athlete's foot , or tinea pedis, is a common, generally harmless foot infection caused by fungi that thrive in warm, moist, and dark environments. In an acute flare-up, the skin of the foot is red or white with scales, cracks, inflammation, cuts, and blisters. There is itching, burning, and stinging. Most often, it occurs in between the toes. During an acute flare-up, secondary bacterial infection is common. . It grows best in a dark, moist, and warm environment. The disease commonly begins with nails which gradually become misshapen and may ultimately be totally replaced by fungus. A foot inside a shoe is the perfect place for the fungus. The source of the fungus is usually the soil, an animal (usually a cat, dog, or rodent), or most often, another person. Minor trauma to the skin (for instance, scratches) and poor skin hygiene increase the potential for infection. Because the infection was common among athletes who used these facilities frequently, the term "athlete's foot" became popular. Not all fungus conditions are athlete's foot. Other conditions, such as disturbances of the sweat mechanism, reaction to dyes or adhesives in shoes, eczema, and psoriasis, may mimic athlete's foot. Herbal Medicines and Natural Home Remedies for Athlete's FootKeep the foot uncovered and at total rest at home. Soothe the foot with soaked white cotton to cool down the inflammation. Soak the foot in saline water (2 tsf salt in water) This will make the foot environment unhealthy for the growth of fungus. Clean the toenails and under the side of toes regularly as they are the favourite breeding spots of the fungus. Avoid plastic shoes and footwear as they trap perspiration and create a warm, moist spot for fungus to grow. Keep the shoes dry. Wear only clean cotton socks that are thoroughly rinsed, as detergent residue is harmful for skin.
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