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Dysentery Home Remedies - Get Rid of DysenteryDysentery is an illness (formerly known as the bloody flux or simply flux ) involving severe diarrhea that is often associated with blood in the feces. The inflammation causes stomach pains and diarrhoea. Some cases involve vomiting and fever. The bacteria enters the body through the mouth in food or water, and also by human feaces and contact with infected people. Dysentery is prtmarily of two types: Amoebic dysentery and bacillary dysentery. Amoebae are parasites that are found in contaminated food or drink. They enter the body through the mouth when the contaminated food or drink is swallowed. The two most common causes of dysentery are infection with a bacillus (see bacteria ) of the Shigella group, and infestation by an ameba , Entamoeba histolytica. Dysentery is not a disease but a symptom of a potentially deadly illness. The term refers to any case of infectious bloody diarrhea, a scourge that kills as many as 700,000 people worldwide every year. Most of the victims live in developing areas with poor sanitation, but sporadic cases can pop up anywhere in the world. The amoeba can also exist as a cyst (a group of amoebae surrounded by a protective wall) and these are more likely to cause an infection as they can protect themselves much better from digestive acid in the stomach . Most people in the UK who have dysentery only have mild symptoms and may not even visit a GP as the condition can settle within a few days. Severe infections are more common if you're travelling abroad, and in some cases, dysentery can be fatal if not treated. Amoebic dysentery (amoebiasis) is an infection of the intestine (gut) caused by an amoeba called Entamoeba histolytica, which, among other things, can cause severe diarrhoea . MeSH scope note: Any of various disorders marked by inflammation of the intestines, especially of the colon, and attended by pain in the abdomen, tenesmus, and frequent stools containing blood and mucus. They mainly live in tropical areas, so cases in the UK are very rare but it can be picked up abroad. They enter the body through contaminated food and drink and after moving through the digestive system they live in the intestine and can cause an infection. There are several different species of amoebae, but the most dangerous, such as Entamoeba histolytica, live predominantly in tropical areas. Even people with little or no sign of the illness or infection can transmit the germs through physical contact with persons, they are simply known as carriers, and pass the illness very effectively. Especially in places where sanitary practices are rather less developed or poor, these types of dysentery can be quite abundant. Issues like proper hygiene, cleanliness and proper appraisal of the food and water drunk assume much more important roles when one is traveling in tropical climates, as such regions are often rich in dysentery producing pathogens. Herbal Medicines and Natural Home Remedies for DysenteryBael fruit is perhaps most efficacious in the treatment of dysentery. One tablespoon of the pulp of the fruit. mixed with a sufficient quantity of Jaggery to sweeten it. should be given thrice daily. The use of pomegranate rind is another effective remedy for dysentety. About 60 gm of the rind should be boiled in 250 ml of milk. This can be given to the patient at three equal intervals. This will relieve the disease very soon. Lemon juice is very effective in dealing with ordinary cases of dysentery. This juice should be given thrice daily. The seeds of ribbed goud contain a chemical which help to cure acute and chronic amoebic dysentery. About five to ten grams of the seeds can be given with one cup of buttermilk twice daily with beneficial results in amoebic dysentety. In case of heaviness in the stomach and the intestines in dysentety about 50 ml of castor oil should be administered with one cup of milk thrice daily. to eject hard lumps of stools. Other remedies useful in the treatment of dysentery are small pieces of onion mixed with curd and equal parts of the tender leaves of peepal tree, coriander leaves and sugar, chewed slowly. The patient may be allowed rice, curd fresh ripe fruits and skimmed milk. Foods which should be avoided are tea, coffee. white sugar and white flour and alcohol in all forms, The patient may be given small doses of castor oil in the form of an emulsion. A low pressure enema may be given. A hot water bag may be applied over the abdomen.
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